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The role of the CHIPS program is to assist children who are showing early signs of or are at risk of developing mental illness.

We provide assessment and support to expand on strategies that can assist the wellbeing of children and families.


Support includes:

  • intensive, long-term, early intervention support for children and their families
  • short-term assistance for families, including an assessment of needs, provision of information, or referrals
  • community outreach, information for parents and schools, mental health education, and community development activities
  • group work, art therapy, parenting support and programs, mindfulness strategies, drumming groups, and holiday programs
  • supportive one-to-one counselling with children
  • practical assistance and home-based support.


This is a free service for children aged zero to 12 years requiring support with social, emotional, and/or behavioural challenges.

A parent/guardian must consent to the service intervention and one significant adult must participate.

Children and families do not require a diagnosis to be eligible for support.

Our catchment area is Beechworth, Bright, Chiltern, Corryong, Mt Beauty, Myrtleford, Tallangatta, Wodonga and Yackandandah.

To access the service submit the CHIPS referral form by emailing

Note: Self-referrals are welcome.

All referrals will be managed by the CHIPS coordinator.

For any enquiries regarding eligibility prior to referral please contact Gateway Health Wodonga on 02 6022 8888 and ask for the CHIPS coordinator.

Last Update: August 7th, 2023